She’s Pregnant!?
An unplanned pregnancy can leave you feeling surprised, scared, and trapped. As a man, you may feel like you don’t want to deal with this decision. She needs to hear from you.
Don’t let her walk alone.
Understand her fears.
Talk about your options.
The worst thing you can do for her is step out of the picture right now. Understand what her fears are and resolve to not let her walk alone. It’s important to slow down and take this one step at a time.
Many times women think they may be pregnant at the first typical sign of pregnancy without taking a test. At this point, the two of you should visit us to obtain a free pregnancy test to find out if she is indeed pregnant.
Our staff and volunteers are here to listen and guide you through the steps that you need to take to make the best choice.
Call Today: Schedule an Appointment 906-932-0414